Meeting: |
General Licensing and Registration Committee |
Members: |
Councillors Tim Grogan (Chair), Kevin Foster (Vice-Chair), Joy Andrews, Alyson Baker, Derek Bastiman, Philip Broadbank, Barbara Brodigan, John Cattanach, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister, Stephanie Duckett, Richard Foster, Robert Heseltine, Tom Jones, Mike Jordan, Andrew Lee, John Mann, Andy Paraskos, Jack Proud, Mike Schofield, Subash Sharma, Andy Solloway, Roberta Swiers, Malcolm Taylor, Angus Thompson and Peter Wilkinson. |
Date: |
Monday, 11th November, 2024 |
Time: |
2.00 pm |
Venue: |
The Grand Meeting Room, County Hall, Northallerton DL7 8AD |
Members of the public are entitled to attend this meeting as observers for all those items taken in open session. Please contact the named democratic services officer supporting this committee, details at the foot of the first page of the Agenda, if you have any queries.
You may also be interested in subscribing to updates about this or any other North Yorkshire Council committee.
Recording is allowed at Council, committee and sub-committee meetings which are open
to the public. Please give due regard to the Council’s protocol on audio/visual recording and photography at public meetings. Anyone wishing to record is asked to contact, prior to the start of the meeting, the named democratic services officer supporting this committee. We ask that any recording is clearly visible to anyone at the meeting and that it is non-disruptive.
1. |
Apologies for absence
2. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2024
(Pages 3 - 6) |
3. |
Declarations of interests |
All Members are invited to declare at this point any interests they have in items appearing on this agenda, inclding the nature of those interests.
4. |
Public participation |
Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice to St John Harris, Principal Democratic Services Officer and supplied the text (contact details below) by midday on Wednesday, 6 November, three working days before the day of the meeting. Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item. Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak:- · at this point in the meeting if their questions/statements relate to matters which are not otherwise on the Agenda (subject to an overall time limit of 30 minutes); · when the relevant Agenda item is being considered if they wish to speak on a matter which is on the Agenda for this meeting. If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.
5. |
Adoption of an Inclusive Service Plan focused on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing
(Pages 7 - 42) |
6. |
Review of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy
(Pages 43 - 150) |
7. |
Any other items |
Any other items which the Chair agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances.
Members are reminded that in order to expedite business at the meeting and enable Officers to adapt their presentations to address areas causing difficulty, they are encouraged to contact Officers prior to the meeting with questions on technical issues in reports.
Agenda Contact Officer:
St John Harris, Principal Democratic Services Officer